(a,c) Representative leaves after infection with M. oryzae strain O254 (a) and CA89 (c) of rice plants at the three-leaf stage from the wild-type (WT), Δc2bgc, Δc4bgc and Δc2/c4bgc lines as indicated.
(b,d) Percentage of diseased (discolored) area vs. total leaf area for Δc2bgc, Δc4bgc, Δc2/c4bgc and wild-type plants after infection of M. oryzae strain O254 (b) and CA89 (d). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 and ns = no significant difference, calculated using post-ANOVA pairwise analysis of significance with the Dunnette significant difference test, for Δc2bgc and Δc4bgc plants relative to the relevant wild-type line. Error bars represent +/− SD.