Figure 4. Stoichiometry-driven genetic effects on the exosome.
(A) Abundance of EXOSC7 in male and female CC mice. Points are color coded to indicate their haplotypes at the Exosc7 locus. The seven CC strains with low abundance of EXOSC7 have the PWK haplotype (red points) at the Exosc7 locus and are highlighted.
(B) The effects of a chromosome 9 QTL are mediated through EXOSC7 to affect variation in proteins of the exosome and two functionally related proteins, DIS3L and ETF1.
(C) Abundances of proteins with distal pQTLs at the Exocs7 locus for female and male CC mice. Points are colored by the founder haplotype at Exosc7.
(D) The genome scan for PC1 of protein abundances in the exosome complex for CC mice (light red) overlayed with the mediation conditional LOD scores (gray dots). Mediation scores were evaluated for all proteins genome-wide. Proteins with low mediation scores are labeled. The horizontal line at a LOD score of 6 is included as reference point across genome scans.
(E) The exosome PC1 plotted as males versus females for the CC strains. Points are colored by the founder haplotype at Exosc7. The black dashed line is the best fit line between males and females for the complex PC1, based on all 58 CC strains. The gray dashed line shows the best fit line excluding the seven CC strains with the PWK haplotype at Exosc7.
See also Figure S5.