Significant correlations between gray matter volume (GMV) and clinical symptoms reflecting disease-related functional interference in adolescents with JFM, including functional disability (top), fatigue (middle), and pain interference (bottom). Results are presented at a significance level of and pFWE-corr<.05 (in yellow for GMV increases) and puncorr.<.001, Ke>50 voxels (in red for GMV increases). We did not observe negative correlations at the pFWE-corr or puncorr. level. At the right of each brain map representing our significant results, we display the 10 functional annotations most associated with the corresponding unthresholded t-map, as obtained with meta-analytic decoding using Neurosynth. BPI: Brief Pain Inventory; FDI: Functional Disability Inventory; FWE-corr: Family-Wise Error-corrected; IFG: Inferior Frontal Gyrus; ITC: Inferior Temporal Cortex; JFM: Juvenile Fibromyalgia; Ke: Cluster extent in voxels; L: Left; MFG: Middle Frontal Gyrus; PROMIS: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; R: Right; SFC: Superior Frontal Cortex; TFCE: Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement; uncorr: uncorrected.