Cre fate-mapping for Atoh1 identified neurons in the cerebellum, PB, and several other brainstem regions, plus extensive labeling in fibrous processes. (a) Fluorescent reporter expression for Atoh1-Cre (tdTomato, pseudocolored coral-red) across five rostral-to-caudal tissue sections spanning the PB region. At each level, the approximate distance caudal to bregma is shown at bottom-right. (b–d) Cre fate-mapping for Atoh1 followed by immunofluorescence labeling for Lmx1b (ice blue). (e–h) Immunofluorescence labeling for Phox2b (green) and ChAT (blue) at a mid-level through the PB region (approximately bregma −5.1 mm). All scale bars are 200 μm. Scale bar in (b) also applies to panels (c–d). Scale bar in (h) also applies to panels (e–g).