Evaluation of concomitant field correction using MaxGIRF reconstruction of noiseless numerical simulations. (A) Dependence of concomitant fields on B0, using field strengths (0.55T, 1.5T, 3T, 7T) at a slice position of 0 mm from isocenter. A reference image used to simulate non-Cartesian k-space data is shown along with the physical coordinate system. The NRMSE between the ground truth and spiral reconstruction is shown (green), with 8.6% (neglecting small changes at higher field strengths) being the minimum achievable error from the difference between Cartesian and spiral image reconstructions. (B) Dependence of concomitant fields on off-isocenter distance are demonstrated for sagittal prescription. A time-averaged concomitant field map indicates the relative strength of concomitant fields at various B0 and distances from isocenter. NUFFT reconstruction shows increased spatial blurring as the field strength decreases and the distance from isocenter increases.