Electrical synapses are required for synchrony of spontaneous rhythms. Left, Data derived from one WT pair; right, data derived from one KO pair. A, Rhythms recorded simultaneously from two closely spaced WT (left) and KO (right) neurons appear similar in amplitude and frequency, although the phase of the two KO recordings obviously varies. B, Data from the same cell pairs are shown in Lissajous figures, which plot the membrane potential of IO1 versus IO2. Recordings from the WT neurons are nearly identical (left), but those from KO neurons show no correlation (right). C, Cross-correlograms (Cross Corr) of both pairs derived from >60 sec of data quantify the high degree of rhythmic correlation between WT cells (left) and the absence of correlation between KO cells (right). Dashed lines mark zero time. D, Power spectra calculated from the same data show that the frequencies (Freq) of paired WT neurons were identical, whereas KO cell frequencies differed.