Figure 3.
MAP3K7 confocal imaging. C57BL/6 mice were challenged with UPEC in vivo for one hour or left uninfected. Kidney sections were stained with MAP3K7 (Green) and ATP6V1E1 (Red) to locate ICs and acquired on confocal imaging microscope. 20x whole kidney image stitch was performed, and MAP3K7 expressing IC quantification was perfomred using imaris software. (A-C) MAP3K7 (left panel) and ATP6V1E1 staining (middle panel) is shown in greyscale and overlay of MAP3K7 (Green) expressing ICs (Red) (right panel). (D-F) Enlarged inset images of MAP3K7 and ATP6V1E1 overlay (left panel) and overlay plus segmented red plus green expressing IC in pseudocolor magenta (right panel) (G) Imaris quantification of % MAP3k7 expressing ICs. Scale bar A-C, 500 um, Scale bar D-F, 50 um.