A: MOLM-14 were treated with drugs alone or in combinations
(CNL 15μM, Ara-C 1.25μM, venetoclax 50nM) for 24 hours, fixed and
processed for active Caspase-3 staining. Percentage of active Cas-3 positive
cells were accessed by flow cytometry; N=3, run in triplicates,
ns-non-significant; #, p<0.005 vs. vehicle, shown are means +/−
B: MOLM-14 cells were treated with the drug combinations as
indicated above, fixed and processed for Cytochrome C release assay. Percentage
of cells from which Cytochrome C has been released were accessed by flow
cytometry; N=3, run in triplicates, ns-non-significant; shown are means
+/− S.E.M. #, p<0.001 vs. vehicle. C: MOLM-14 cells
were treated with the drug combinations as indicated above, harvested and
proteins extracted. Western blots were performed and quantitated via
densitometry. LC3B-II/Actin numbers: relative LC3B-II autophagosome marker
expression to vehicle normalized to actin loading. Representative Western of N=3