a, Representative photomicrographs of A1 sections from WT and CNP-DN-ErbB4 mice showing the GAD67 (red), the PV (green) and colocalized GAD67-PV (merge) perisomatic puncta. Scale bar: 10μm.
b, Number of GAD67+, PV+ and GAD67+-PV+ perisomatic puncta/100 μm in A1 of WT (black) and CNP-DN-ErbB4 (red) mice (n = 4 – 6; ** p = 0.0095; * p = 0.0190).
c, Percent % GAD67+ puncta that are also PV+ in A1 of WT (black) and CNP-DN-ErbB4 (red) mice (n = 4 – 6; p = 0.0381).
d, Percent % GAD67+ puncta that are not PV+ in A1 of WT (black) and CNP-DN-ErbB4 (red) mice (n = 4 – 6; p = 0.0381).
Mann-Whitney test was performed. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.