(A) Luciferase reporter assay showing NF-κB activity in response to 24 hour stimulation with different cytokines (n=3). (B) DNA-binding of NF-κB proteins with TWEAK stimulation (25ng/ml) for 2 or 24 hours relative to vehicle. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-hoc (n=3). (C) Nuclear and Cytosolic western blots of NF-κB proteins with TWEAK (25ng/ml, 0, 2, or 24 hours) in CAOV4, OVCAR8, and OV90. (D) Nuclear and Cytosolic western blots of NF-κB proteins with TWEAK (100ng/ml, 24 hours) stimulation in ascites sample VBCF004. Data represent mean and SEM. * p<0.05.