(a) The recombinant CHPV L protein (0.3 µg) was incubated with the indicated mono- or poly-ribonucleotide labeled with 32P (shown by asterisks), and then analyzed by SDS-7.5% PAGE followed by autoradiography. Note that all nucleotide probes had same specific radioactivities. Lane 1 indicates no L protein. The position of covalent L-RNA complexes is indicated by the arrowhead.
(b, c) The WT and mutant CHPV L proteins (0.3 µg) were incubated with pppAACAG (mRNA-start sequence, b) or pppACGAA (leader RNA-start sequence, c) labeled with 32P (shown by asterisks). The resulting covalent L-RNA complexes were analyzed by SDS-7.5% PAGE followed by autoradiography. Lane 1 indicates no L protein.