Fig. 5 |. Topic loadings in All of Us capture age-dependent comorbidities that are concordant with UK Biobank.
a, Age-dependent topic loadings for two All of Us topics corresponding to CVD and CER (Fig. 4a); for each topic, we include the top seven diseases with highest topic loadings. Correlations of topic loadings between UK Biobank and All of Us topics were 0.74 for CVD and 0.65 for CER. Numerical results for all 13 topics are reported in Supplementary Table 6. b, Topic loading correlations between UK Biobank (UKB) and All of Us (AOU). The y-axis reflects the 10 topics from the optimal UK Biobank model; the x-axis reflects the 13 topics from the optimal All of Us model. Numerical results are reported in Supplementary Table 7. c, Correlations between UKB and AOU topic assignments were higher for the same diseases (red shading, average = 0.70) than for different diseases (grey shading, average = 0.02). P-value is for two-sided t-test; numerical results are reported in Supplementary Table 9.