Figure 5.
The inhibitory effect of SRIF on high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents in rods. The test solution contained 0 CaCl2 and 20 mM BaCl2 substituted for equimolar NaCl. a, A depolarizing step to 0 mV from a holding potential of −70 mV was applied to record whole-cell Ca2+ current in control external solution (1), after a 1 min exposure to 0.2 μM SRIF (2), and after a wash (3). b, The I–V relationship of Ca2+ currents evoked by depolarizing voltage steps from −50 to +50 mV in 10 mV increments in the absence (open circles) and the presence of 0.2 μM SRIF (closed circles) is shown. c, The time course of SRIF blockade was evaluated by applying 70 msec depolarizing pulses to a test potential of 0 mV from a holding potential of −70 mV each 5 sec. The time of SRIF application is shown by the hatched horizontal bar. The numbers correspond to the traces in a.