Figure 2. Effects of intravitreal caspofungin on the mean ERG b- and a-wave stimulus-amplitude relationship and scotopic threshold responses.
Caspofungin concentrations in µM are indicated at the top of each column. Top panel: Average dark-adapted electroretinogram (ERG) b-wave amplitudes (±S.E.M) for low scotopic energies plotted as a function of stimulus energy for the dark-adapted ERG’s. Intravitreal BSS injected controls, black circle; intravitreal caspofungin+BSS injected subjects, gray circle. Black and grey solid curves, best fit Naka-Rushton function for the BSS control and caspofungin+BSS injected eyes, respectively. Inset: bar graph showing average dark-adapted ERG b-wave amplitudes (±S.E.M) for a saturating flash of 2.3 log sc td s. Black bar, BSS injected control; Grey bar, caspofungin+BSS injected eye. Middle panel: Average dark-adapted electroretinogram (ERG) a-wave amplitudes (±S.E.M) plotted as a function of stimulus energy for the dark-adapted ERG’s. Intravitreal BSS injected controls, black circle; intravitreal caspofungin+BSS injected subjects, gray circle. Black and grey solid curves, best fit Naka-Rushton function for the BSS control and caspofungin+BSS injected eyes, respectively.
Lower panel: Averaged ERG’s in response to low flash-energy (−3.7 log sc td s). Intravitreal BSS injected controls, black solid lines; intravitreal caspofungin+BSS injected subjects, gray solid lines. Dashed traces indicate ±1 SEM. p-STR, positive scotopic threshold response; n-STR, negative scotopic threshold response.