Extended Data Fig. 5 |. Sensitivity analyses for direct effects including all intervention recipients.
Data are presented as % effectiveness = (1-RR) × 100%, where RR is the incidence ratio between study arms with vertical bars to indicate 95% confidence intervals not accounting for potential outcome correlation. The chemoprevention analyses compared rfMDA vs. RACD; the vector control analyses compared RAVC vs. no RAVC; the combined intervention analyses compared rfMDA + RAVC vs. RACD only. The observation period was 0–35 days for the chemoprevention analysis and 0–6 months for vector control and combined intervention analyses. Black points indicate estimates from analyses including all intervention recipients, regardless of whether they resided within the target zone within 500 m of index cases. Mauve points indicate estimates from analyses restricting to intervention recipients within 500 m of index cases that triggered interventions. Analyses were performed at the cohort level. For analyses of chemoprevention and vector control interventions, N = 8,351 individuals, N = 310 cohorts; for analyses of the combined intervention, N = 3,961 individuals, N = 143 cohorts.