Figure 3. IB-DNQ treatment preferentially inhibits CSC activity in TNBC cells expressing NQO1.
A-D, Tumorsphere formation of Vari068 (A) and SUM159 (C) BC cells in medium containing control (DMSO) or IB-DNQ of various doses, and relative survival of Vari068 (B) and SUM159 (D) cells grown in adherent culture with IB-DNQ for 14 days, n=6 wells. E-F, Sphere formation of Vari068 cells subjected to Dox-induced KD of NQO1, CAT, SOD1 or SOD2 and IB-DNQ treatment (E) and the impact of KD on IB-DNQ suppression of sphere-forming capacity (F). G-N, Vari068 (G-J) and SUM149 (K-N) cells were treated with indicated compounds for 20h and examined for the content and absolute number of ALDH+ and CD24−CD44+ CSCs. *, **, ***, ****: P < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 or 0.0001 vs. Control or indicated by brackets. n=3, one-way ANOVA for A, C, F, G-J, and K-N.