Figure 10.
PDP was independent of intracellular Cl− accumulation. A: GABA currents measured every 30 s before and after depolarization to +40 mV. At t=0 GABA was co-applied to the depolarized neuron in a low extracellular [Cl−] bath solution (Na-methanesulfonate substitution for NaCl, [Cl−]o=3 mM). The net charge movement induced by GABA in low [Cl−] solution was −2.37 nC, indicating a net outward Cl− flux. PDP was still seen despite this reduction in intracellular Cl− concentration. No baseline adjustment was made to the displayed records. B: Mean normalized current from 7 experiments as in A (open circles). Filled circle represents the mean PDP produced by transient depolarization alone without GABA application. Solid line is a single exponential function.