Figure 8. Bcl-xL/Bax H5 induces dramatic mitochondrial fragmentation.
Bax−/−HCT116 cells were transiently transfected with mito-YFP and either CFP-tagged Bax, Bcl-xL, Bcl-xL/Bax H5 or vector control. (A) The average mitochondrial connectivity of 30 different ROIs within these cells was measured by FRAP. (B) The final average fluorescence recovery ± SEM (n=30) of the curves shown in (A), the p-values were obtained using the student’s t-test. (C) Cells from (A) were fixed following the FRAP experiment and immunostained for cytochrome c. Scale bar represents 5µm. Note mitochondrial fragmentation induced by the H5 chimera (bottom panel). These data are representative of at least two independent experiments.