Low-grade skin tumors develop faster and at higher incidence in ATF2KI mice subjected to skin carcinogenesis protocol. Mice of the ATF2WT and ATF2KI genotypes were subjected to single application of DMBA followed by weekly topical application of TPA (see Materials and Methods for details). Measurement of lesions was performed at the indicated time points. (A) Number of tumors over time for each of the two groups is outlined. (B) The number of papillomas and tumors found in ATF2WT and ATF2KI animals is shown, based on histological and immunological analysis. (C) Tumors were subjected to H&E, K14, desmin, or BrdU staining as indicated. Shown are representative images (magnification 20x). Histopathological and immunological analysis identified the tumor types as papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or spindle cell carcinoma (SPC). (D) Papillomas and SCC were subjected to BrdU analysis. Also shown is corresponding H&E staining.