Figure 2.
B-motorneurons are active during forward semi-restrained locomotion while A-motorneurons are active during backward. a) The top two colored traces are the signals from the yellow and cyan channels recorded from a VB5 motorneuron. The ratio of the yellow/cyan signal is shown underneath these traces together with the ratio signal from a VA4 motorneuron during forward (green bar >>>) and backward (red bar <<<) locomotion. The asterisk (*) marks a period when locomotion stopped. b) Dorsal and ventral B-motorneurons: The raw yellow and cyan traces and their ratio recorded from a VB6 motorneuron (yellow and cyan and uppermost black traces) together with the activity of a VB7 motorneuron (middle black trace) and a DB5 motorneuron (bottom black trace) during forward (green bar >>>) and backward (red bar <<<) locomotion. c) Mean ratio change during the switch from forward to backward (left traces) and backward to forward (right traces) locomotion. All ratiometric recordings were aligned by the time of the independently scored changes in direction determined from the behavior video. The number of transitions used to compute the averages were: forward to backward- 12 (DB), 60 (VB), 23 (VA); backward to forward- 13 (DB), 55 (VB), 18 (VA). Grey traces are one standard error of the mean.