A & B. Percent MR signal change (baseline: fixation-only condition) for observation of acting persons (A) and observation of isolated hand actions (B) and their scrambled and static controls in parietal ROIs: PF, PFG, PG and Opt on the IPL convexity and AIP and LIPa in the IPS. Group data from 3 monkeys (M3, M5, M6). C & D. Percent MR signal change (baseline: fixation-only condition) for observation of acting persons (C) and observation of isolated hand actions (D) and their scrambled and static controls in IPL and IPS ROIs. Single subject data (M15; 3T). No visually driven voxels were present in PF, compared to an average of 29% of the voxels in PFG (see suppl. text). Asterisks indicate a significantly stronger (p < 0.05, corr.) response to action observation compared to all controls. Error bars indicate variability over runs.