Fear response and brain activation in adolescent rats with intact mPFC. (A) Percent time freezing in adolescent rats exposed to an adult female rat or cat fur odor. Controls were exposed to empty cage. Cat odor exposed rats froze significantly more than female or control exposed rats. N = 6–7 in each condition. (B) Activation of the mPFC in adolescent rats with intact mPFC. Number of FOS positive cells was significantly increased in prelimbic mPFC of rats exposed to the threatening stimulus (cat odor). N = 6 in each condition. (C) Activation of the amygdala and PAG in adolescent rats with intact mPFC. Exposure to the threatening stimulus (cat odor) increased the number of FOS positive cells in the medial and basolateral/lateral amygdala and vPAG and exposure to the non-threatening stimulus (adult female) increased FOS in the medial amygdala. MA: medial amygdala, BL/LA: basolateral/lateral amygdala, dPAG: dorsolateral PAG, vPAG: ventrolateral PAG, *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05, N = 7 in each condition.