A. Time-frequency plot of stop trials ON vs. OFF for a left frontal ROI. The beta difference around the time of SSRT is not significant. B. Left and right frontal ROIs. The left electrode cluster includes F5,F7,FC5 and the right one includes F6, F8, FC6. C. The plot is the same comparison as Figure 4A, but with data from a right frontal ROI. Note the significant beta difference around the time of stopping. Power is expressed in color as a t-score. Zero ms was the time of the stop signal (SS, indicated with the standard dotted line). Power changes significant at p<0.05 are encircled with either a black line (for ON > OFF) or a red line (for OFF > ON.)
Note that this figure is identical to Figure 3A. D. Time frequency plot comparing the ON vs. OFF stimulation effects for stop trials in the right frontal ROI vs the left frontal ROI. Power differences are expressed in color as a t-score. Power differences significant at p<0.05 are encircled in black (for right > left) or red (left > right). The beta power around the time of stopping is significantly greater in the right frontal ROI.