Figure 2.
Age-related lGI changes within and across groups. (a) On covarying for age in the pooled population (TD children and children with 22q11.2DS), a large regionally significant cluster was observed in the right hemisphere (P = 1. 3 × 10−4), involving the dorsocentral and parietal cortex, and extending to the occipital regions. (b) A regression line plotted through mean lGI within this cluster, for all children, and split according to diagnosis, shows a significant negative linear correlation with age for the group consisting of children with 22q11.2DS (T = − 3. 50, P = 0. 001). The negative relationship visible in the plot for the TD children was nonsignificant (T = −1. 22, p = 0. 233). With the diagnosis groups combined, an overall negative effect of age on lGI was observed (T68 = −3. 52, P = 0. 001). (c) Regionally significant cluster in the left hemisphere, where diagnosis significantly modulated the age related changes in lGI (P = 1. 07 × 10−4). The cortical areas included in the cluster are inferior parietal gyrus, postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus, central sulcus, postcentral sulcus, and superior part of precentral sulcus. (d) The age × diagnosis interaction depicted in (c) is illustrated by plotting the mean lGI in this cluster as a function of age and diagnosis. The coordinates of the peak vertices within the cluster, and other descriptive statistics are tabulated in Table II.