Figure 1. Targeted replacement of Nrl gene with a Thrb2 gene.
A, A Thrb2 cDNA, inserted at the start codon of Nrl, replaced both Nrl coding exons (grey boxes), creating the Nrlb2 allele. Arrowhead, Nrl gene promoter, open box, 5′-non-coding exon; TGA, stop codon; pA, poly-adenylation site; loxP, residual loxP site after deletion of Neo selection gene.
B, Western blot analysis showing expression of TRβ2 in Nrlb2/b2 mice. Arrowheads, specific bands for TRβ2 (~58 kDa) and NRL (29 – 35 kd). Thrb2−/− lane, TRβ2-deficient control at E17.5. Numbers below lanes, signals quantified by densitometry relative to an arbitrary value of 1.0 in +/+ mice at the earliest age of detection; n.d., not detectable.
C, In situ hybridization showing ectopic expression of TRβ mRNA over the outer neuroblastic layer (ONBL) in Nrl+/b2 and Nrlb2/b2 mice at P7. Endogenous TRβ2 mRNA drops to low levels in the small cone population in +/+ neonates. Scale bar, 50 μm. INBL, inner neuroblastic layer.