PHR proteins bind to RAE-1. A, a schematic of the CeRAE-1 protein which is composed of an N-terminal domain and 7 WD repeats. Shown below is the segment of the RAE-1 protein that is deleted by rae-1(tm2784).
B, Shown is a 40× DIC image of the vulval region of a wild-type animal and a rae-1(tm2784) mutant. Note the absence of embryos and oocytes, and the protruding vulva in the rae-1 mutant, which can be used to identify these animals. C, coIP of RPM-1::GFP with FLAG::RAE-1. RPM-1::GFP was expressed transgenically alone or in combination with FLAG::RAE-1 in the neurons of C. elegans. D, coIP of myc-Pam and GFP-Rae1. Myc tagged human Pam and GFP tagged rat Rae1 or GFP-rat PP2Cαa protein of similar size to Rae1) were coexpressed in 293 cells. For B and C, a representative of at least three independent experiments is shown. For B, similar results were obtained using a minimum of two transgenic lines.