Figure 1.
Anatomical and electrophysiological survey of the lateral horn (LH). Top-left: Flattened confocal stack of an unlabeled locust brain. Dotted circle: the LH; MB: mushroom body calyx; AL: antennal lobe; AN: antennal nerve; ON: optic nerve. Sharp intracellular recordings were made from lateral horn neurons (LHNs) while simultaneous extracellular LFP recordings were made from the ipsilateral MB calyx. Middle: We identified 10 morphologically distinct classes of LHNs, illustrated with hand-traced intracellular dye fills. Somata of C10 neurons were not detected. Bottom: Representative intracellular recordings from the 10 LHN classes, showing their responses to odor presentations (gray bars). Calibration bars next to class labels: 10 mV.