Figure 6.
IP3-stimulated glial cells evoke vasodilation. A, Lucifer yellow-filled astrocytes are shown in a fluorescence image. Multiple astrocyte processes envelop an arteriole. B, A Lucifer yellow-filled Müller cell contacting an arteriole is shown in a superimposed fluorescence and IR-DIC image. C, D, Arteriole dilation evoked by introduction of IP3 into a Müller cell. A vessel is shown before (C) and during (D) whole-cell recording with a pipette containing IP3 (250 μM). Scale bars: A, B, D, 20 μm. E, Photolysis of caged IP3 (250 μM) in Müller cells and astrocytes evokes vasodilation. F, Introduction of IP3 into glial cells evokes vasodilation. Photolysis of caged IP3 evokes vasodilation that is reduced by PPOH (20 μM) but not indomethacin (5 μM).