Synapse assembly is grossly normal in fife mutants. A, B, Confocal z-projections of boutons colabeled with antibodies to GluRIIC and Bruchpilot at wild-type (WT) (A) and fifeex/Df (fifeex1027/Df (3L) BSC412)(B) NMJs. Mild disruptions of AZ architecture observed at fifeex/Df NMJs include unapposed GluRIIC fields (arrows), unapposed Bruchpilot puncta (filled arrowhead), and failure of 1:1 apposition of GluRIIC and Bruchpilot clusters (open arrowhead). C, The number of Bruchpilot puncta does not differ between wild-type (n=8) and fifeex/ex (n=9) or fifeex/Df (n=9) NMJs. D, The intensity of Bruchpilot puncta normalized to HRP is not significantly different at wild-type (n=2224) and fifeex/ex (n=2609) or fifeex/Df (n=3041) AZs. E, The number of GluRIIC puncta is not altered between wild-type (n=8) and fifeex/ex (n=9) or fifeex/Df (n=9) NMJs. F, The intensity of GluRIIC puncta normalized to HRP is not significantly different at wild-type (n=2132) and fifeex/ex (n=2315) or fifeex/Df (n=2634) AZs. Scale bars, 5μm.