Figure 8. EPSCs evoked in DMV neurons are glutamatergic.
A1, Response of a DMV neuron clamped at VM −79 mV to photostimulation (1ms, 20 Hz, 5 s; blue block represents period of photostimulation). From left to right, control response, response following application of bucuculline (bic, 10µM) and strychnine (strych, 20µM) and response after further addition of ionotropic glutamate receptor blockers AP5 (50 µM) and CNQX (10 µM. Bottom traces, original recordings; top traces low-pass filtered traces (5 Hz). A2, Group data (N = 4). Area under the curve (AUC) obtained from the original recording trace. Asterisk indicates statistical significance from both control and bicuculline/strychnine B1, Response of a DMV neuron clamped at VM −79 mV to photostimulation (1ms, 20 Hz, 5 s). From left to right, control response, response following application of kynurenate (kyn, broad-spectrum ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, 1mM). Bottom traces, original recordings; top traces low-pass filtered traces (5 Hz). B2, Group data (N = 7). AUC obtained from the original recording traces. Asterisk (P<0.05) indicates statistical significance from both control and recovery period.