Figure 5.
Dopaminergic responses to cooling following experimental manipulations. A. Responses in MP1 to brief cooling in controls (replotted from Figure 1), animals with surgical manipulations (ablation of the antennae, antennae + maxillary palps, or legs), or addition of 1 μM TTX to the bath solution. Mean (dark lines) ± S.E.M (light surrounds) are shown. Vertical dashed gray lines show the time window (90–110 s) in which the mean response was calculated for panel B. B. Mean responses of MV1 and MP1 neurons to the experimental manipulations in panel A, plus experiments in which the basal temperature was set at 32°C and then briefly cooled to 25°C. Statistical significance of the pairwise comparison between the peak responses of each group to the control group is indicated by asterisks above the bars, and significance of the peak response to the pre-stimulation ΔF/F magnitude is indicated below the bars (Peak vs. Pre). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (Bonferroni).