Figure 11.
Reproducibility of the trajectories within the IC and CC across 5 humans and 3 macaques. Left/right panels correspond to IC and CC respectively. Top and bottom panels correspond to macaques and humans. The crosses show the position of the probabilistic trajectories from tractography. The crosses are centred on the mean trajectory, and the length of the branches along each axis correspond to the region with 90% of the probability mass. In the top panel, tracer data from two injections per site are also shown (centres of gravity of the pathways displayed as open circles connected by a line to help visualisation). Key: blue=lOFC, green=cOFC, red=vmPFC. Cd=Caudate, Pu=Putamen, AC=Anterior Commissure. Orientation: R, C, D, V, M, L=Rostral, Caudal, Dorsal, Ventral, Medial, Lateral.