Maintenance of Purkinje Na channel availability and firing in constant lidocaine. A, Voltage command of a 50 Hz, 1 s train of 5 ms step depolarizations (top) and Na currents (bottom) evoked in a Purkinje cell bathed in control or lidocaine solution. B, C, Availability, normalized to first peak current in lidocaine-free solution (B) and normalized to first peak current in lidocaine (C), versus stimulus number. Control, n = 12; 100 μM lidocaine, n = 7; 300 μM lidocaine, n = 7; 1 mM lidocaine, n = 7. D, Representative trace of Purkinje cells spontaneous firing in control and 100 μM lidocaine. E, Summary data of Purkinje firing rates in control and 100 μM lidocaine.