Figure 6.
Ongoing endocannabinoid signaling in the neuron/bouton preparation. A–C, Application of 1 μM AM251 enhances spontaneous GABAergic transmission by decreasing the interevent intervals (A) and increasing sIPSC amplitudes [B; p < 0.001; Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) test]. The average magnitude and time course of AM251 effects on GABAergic event frequency are shown in C(n=6). D–F, Traces(D) show that AM251 had no significant effecton GABAergic transmission in cells filled with 20 mM BAPTA. E, AM251 had also no effect on event amplitude distribution under the high buffering condition (p > 0.6; K-S test). F, The time course of the effect of AM251 on event frequency. A, B and D, E are from the same neuron, respectively. [K]o was 5 mM in all tests.