Figure 6. Increase in NR2B protein following D1DR stimulation and cocaine self-administration does not correspond to an increased contribution of NR2B to whole-cell NMDAR currents.
A) Quantitative Western blot analyses of NMDAR subunit protein levels. Protein levels were examined in nucleus accumbens shell homogenates from 5 animals in each group (*, p<0.05 vs. non-treated saline). B) Effects of NR2B antagonist, Ro 25–6981 (0.05, 0.5, 5, 50 µM), on currents evoked by whole-cell application of NMDA (100 µM). For each neuron, the responses were normalized to currents evoked by NMDA in the absence of Ro 25–6981. Notice large variability in responses. There were no significant differences between groups (n=4–9 cells at each concentration).