Figure 8.
Percentage changes in total length, coverage area, number of branch points, maximal-density, and high-density areas after an initial period of 6−7 d of monocular deprivation (stipple bars) and after 10 d of reverse suture (white bars) in arbors serving the closed (A) and the open (B) eye. The percentage changes are referred to the state of the arbors before each deprivation. For the initial deprivation, comparisons were obtained relative to the values obtained in normal animals at P33 [(P33−6/7d-D) × 100/P33 and (P33−6/7d- ND) × 100/P33, for arbors serving the closed and open eye, respectively (see Results)]. For the reverse deprivation, we have measured the changes of OD and OND arbors relative to arbors reconstructed in animals deprived for 6−7 d [(6/7dND-OND × 100/6/7d-ND and (6/7d-D-OD) × 100/6/7d-D for arbors serving the closed and open eye, respectively]. Note that reverse suture has a greater effect than the initial deprivation on arbors serving the open eye, whereas arbors serving the closed eye appear to be equally affected by both the initial and reverse deprivation.