Figure 1. EBER infected cells in SSc skin.
(a-c) Representative images of in situ hybridization (ISH) in lesional (LdSSc-1) and in non/lesional diffuse skin (NLdSSc-1), (a) showing EBER+spindle-cells in the deep-dermis; (b) EBER-staining in LdSSc-1 skin with probe-control; (c) EBER-staining in endothelial cells of ectasic vessels in the skin; (d) EBER-staining of healthy donor (HD) skin; (upper-panels scale/bar 100μm, lower-panels 50μm). (e-f, upper-panel) Co-localization of EBER+cells detected by ISH (blue) with α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) cells (red) detected by IHC in serial LdSSc skin sections (bar/scale 100μm and 50μm); (f lower-panel) EBER+staining in blood vessels smooth muscle cells identified by αSMA staining by IHC in serial skin section (lower-panel, bar/scale 50μm). (g) EBER+cells detected in myo-epithelial-glands surrounded by SMA fibers in skin (bar/scale 50μm).