Figure 2. Increased survival of GX−/− vs. GX+/− or GX+/+ mice following A/Mexico/4108/2009 infection.
GX+/+ (n = 25), GX+/− (n = 32), and GX−/− (n = 24) mice (C57BL/6J background, lacks GIIA-sPLA2) were infected intranasally with A/Mexico/4108/2009 and survival was assessed for a 14 day period (A). GX+/+ (n = 71) and GX−/− (n = 57) mice (C3H/HeN background, expresses GIIA-sPLA2) were infected intranasally with A/Mexico/4108/2009 and survival was assessed for a 14 day period (B). Animals were sacrificed if their body weight decreased to less than 80% of baseline weight, or if the 14-day duration of the study was completed. Log rank test, p < 0.05 GX−/− vs. GX+/+ and GX+/− mice or p < 0.05, GX−/− vs. GX+/+ mice. All the mice used in these experiments were genotyped littermates and grouped and analyzed by their genotype (Reviewer 1 Comment 3).