MitGO-ATeam2 localizes to mitochondria in yeast and does not affect yeast cell growth rates. (A) Yeast cells expressing mitGO-ATeam2 were grown to mid-log phase, fixed using paraformaldehyde and stained with the DNA-binding dye DAPI, as described previously.19 Images shown are maximum-intensity projections of deconvolved z-series. For simplicity, the mitGO-ATeam2 images were obtained using a conventional GFP filter, so they represent only the population unbound to ATP. Cell outlines are shown in white. N: nuclear DNA. mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA. Bar: 1 μm. (B) Growth curves of wild-type yeast cells expressing mitochondria-targeted GFP or mitGO-ATeam2 in glucose-based (SC) and glycerol-based (SGlyc) liquid media at 30°C. This data is the average of quadruplicates for each strain at each time point, and is representative of two independent experiments.