Estimates of transition probabilities and 95% CI for sites that were healthy at 6 months based on CAL + BOP and PD + BOP classifications. States 1, 2 and 3 correspond to health, gingivitis and chronic periodontitis respectively. There was a 12% chance that a site that was healthy would convert to gingivitis (1 → 2) in the first 2 years for both CAL + BOP and PD + BOP classified models. The probabilities for progression to chronic periodontitis from healthy (1 →3) were at least three times higher for the CAL + BOP model compared to the PD + CAL model. After 2 years, recovery from gingivitis (2 → 1) was estimated as 75% for the CAL + BOP model and 83% for the PD + BOP model. Transitions 3 → 1 and 3 → 2 were not permissible.