Figure 9.
Extra forces at short muscle lengths are unchanged following transection of the sciatic nerve in an adult decerebrate cat. A, Force produced by triceps surae muscles evoked by top hat stimulation of the LGS nerve (2 ms pulse widths) before transecting the sciatic nerve with concurrent EMG of the soleus muscle at the neutral muscle length. Note that the soleus is tonically active before and after the top hat stimulation, whereas it is primarily inactive during the stimulation. B, Force produced during top hat stimulation after transecting the sciatic nerve with the same stimulation parameters as in A at the neutral muscle length. C, Force produced during top hat stimulation after transecting the sciatic nerve with the same stimulation parameters as in A at a muscle length of +5 mm from neutral. Note that soleus EMG is absent in B and C. The extra force (i.e., the force produced during the second 20 Hz stimulation expressed as a percentage of the first 20 Hz stimulation) is shown on the right for each force trace.