A, Representative retinas from Wt and Nik−/ mice, stained
with isolectin B4 (green) (scale bar for both panels, 100 μm). B,
Quantification of vessel branching in the superficial, intermediate and outer vascular
plexus. C, Aortic rings of Wt and Nik−/− mice
cultured in medium alone, TNF-α or VEGF. Representative pictures are shown (scale
bar all panels, 500 μm). D, Quantification of TNF-α and
VEGF-induced aortic vessel outgrowth. E, Representative pictures of
unstimulated, LT- or LIGHT-stimulated aortic rings (scale bar all panels, 500 μm).
F, Quantification of LT- and LIGHT-induced aortic vessel outgrowth. Panels
B,C,D n=4 per group, 2 independent experiments. Panels A,E,F n=5 per group, 2 independent
experiments. Panels B,D,F, represent mean±SEM *<P0.05.