Figure 1. Stromal Deletion of BMPR2 increases pulmonary metastasis of mammary carcinomas.
A) Mouse breeding strategy used pure strain C57BL6 mice that contained the oncogene PyVmT driven by the mammary epithelium specific MMTV promoter (MMTV.PyVmT) combined with Cre recombinase under the control of the FSP1 promoter (FSP1.Cre) and mice with BMPR2 floxed alleles. Animals with no Cre act as controls (n=27), mice with only one BMPR2 floxed allele are heterozygous-HET (n=12) and knockout-cKO (n=13) are homozygous floxed alleles for BMPR2 in FSP1 expressing cells. B) Kaplan-Meier analysis for the time to reach maximum tumor burden (2cm). C–H) Representative images of Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining of spontaneous tumors for Control and cKO. I–J) Representative images of BrdU, injected prior to sacrifice, immunohistochemistry comparing control and cKO. K–L) Representative images of immunohistochemistry for cleaved caspase-3 to detect apoptotic cells in control tumors compared with cKO tumors. M–N) Quantification of BrdU and cleaved caspase-3 IHC comparing control and cKO tumors. O) At the time of sacrifice lungs were removed and metastatic foci were counted. Significance was determined by students t-test. Scale bars C,E,G=200μM, D,F,H=50μM I–L=100μM. Error bars indicate SD.