Ribbon representation of the simulated structure of unliganded WW1-WW2 tandem module of WWOX obtained after 2μs of simulation time. Two alternative orientations related by a 90°-rotation about the vertical axis are depicted for closer inspection. The WW1 and WW2 domains are respectively colored red and green, while the interdomain linker is depicted in gray. Additionally, the sidechain moieties of residues within the WW1 and WW2 domains engaged in interdomain contacts are shown in blue and yellow, respectively. The cyan arrow indicates the direction of the incoming ligand as it would dock into the hydrophobic groove located on the concave face of WW1 domain, the same face that partially engages in interdomain contacts with the WW2 domain, in a competitive manner. The simulated structure of WW1-WW2 tandem module was rendered using RIBBONS (86).