Population response to changes in variance (A,B) or mean (C) of the input current (A–C) Examples of fluctuating currents (τI = 5ms) with step-like changes in the standard deviation σ by 50% (A1, σ→1.5σ→σ), by 200% (B1,σ→3σ→σ) or step-like changes of the mean current μ (C1, μ→μ+20pA→μ). Population firing rate changes in response to injection of currents as in A1–C1, 2530 realizations (A2), 5214 realizations (B2) and 2706 realizations (C2). (A3–C3) Zoom-in of responses to the onset and offset of step-changes in A2–C2. (D) EPSC-like current pulse immersed in fluctuating background (D1–D2) is reliably detected by a population of neurons (D3, 7600 realizations). In all subfigures, dashed green lines indicate the onset of steps or EPSCs, bin size 1ms.