Samples used were four different studies: [1] Age-matched control sheep fed a normal diet (Control); [2] Sheep were fed a metabolic acidosis (MA) diet for six months followed by the MA diet and twelve months of MA diet and treated by vehicle (MA1), raloxifene (RAL) or alendronate (ALN); [3] Sheep were fed an MA diet for eight months followed by six months of the MA diet combined with vehicle (MA2) or zoledronate (ZOL); [4] Sheep had an ovariectomy and were fed an MA diet for a year, followed by a year of the MA diet and vehicle (MA3+OVX) or parathyroid hormone (PTH). Control, MA1, RAL and ALN were euthanized after 12 months, MA2 and ZOL at 14 months and MA3+OVX and PTH at 24 months.