Differential RSFC of the left VOTC-TOOL region and left PPA with TOOL
vs. SCENE ROIs. (A) Example individual localizer: regions showing preferential
activation for TOOLS (Contrast: TOOLS > ANIMALS; left) and SCENES
(Contrast: SCENES > FACES; right) are displayed (cool colors) on
semi-inflated lateral (left) ventral (middle), medial (top right), and posterior
(bottom right) cortical surfaces. Activations are t-statistic maps displayed at
node-wise threshold P < 0.001; wholebrain threshold P < 0.01,
FDR corrected; minimum cluster size of 50 nodes. Arrows depict the hypothesis
that, despite their proximal/overlapping locations, the VOTC-TOOL region and PPA
would show stronger RSFC with OTHER-TOOL vs. OTHER-SCENE regions, respectively,
when localized at the individual-level. (B) Scatter plot displays the
overlapping spatial distributions of the locations of peak TOOL (blue dots) and
SCENE (green dots) activations for all 33 subjects on the partially inflated
left ventral cortical surface. (C) Category-level analysis: Difference between
the mean RSFC of the OTHER-TOOL ROIs (left pMTG, IPS, IPL, and vPM) and
OTHER-SCENE ROIs (bilateral RSC and OPA) with the left VOTC-TOOL region vs. left
PPA; positive values indicate stronger mean RSFC with left VOTC-TOOL region;
negative values indicate stronger mean RSFC with the left PPA. As predicted, the
OTHER-TOOL regions showed relatively stronger mean RSFC with the VOTC-TOOL
region; conversely, the OTHER-SCENE ROIs showed relatively stronger mean RSFC
with the PPA. Brace indicates a significant VOTC-ROI (VOTC-TOOL region vs. PPA)
by category (OTHER-TOOL regions vs. OTHER-SCENE regions) crossover interaction.
(D) Individual ROI analysis: Difference between RSFC of the left VOTC-TOOL
region vs. left PPA with each of the individual OTHER-TOOL and OTHER-SCENE ROIs;
positive values (blue bars) indicate stronger RSFC with the VOTC-TOOL region;
negative values (green bars) indicate stronger RSFC with the PPA; gray bars
indicate no significant difference. As predicted, only OTHER-TOOL ROIs showed
stronger RSFC with left VOTC-TOOL region, including the left IPS and IPL.
Conversely, only OTHER-SCENE ROIs showed stronger RSFC with the left PPA,
including bilateral RSC and left OPA. L, left; R, right; *** P < 0.001;
** P < 0.01; * P < 0.05; n.s., not significant. Error bars
represent between-subjects s.e.m.