Fig. 3.
Responses of a typical FTN and PVP neuron during the VOR induced by sinusoidal whole body oscillation at low and high frequencies. The left and right columns show responses of an FTN and a PVP. A and B: oscillation at 0.5 Hz, ±15°/s. From top to bottom, the traces are head velocity, eye velocity, and firing rate. In the firing rate traces, each symbol plots the inverse of one interspike interval (ISI) as a function of where the middle of the interval falls on the stimulus cycle. Only one of every 10 symbols is shown to avoid an undistinguishable blob of points. C and D: oscillation at 50 Hz, ±15°/s. From top to bottom, the top 3 traces are head velocity, eye velocity, and a raster showing the responses on single cycles. In C, the bottom trace represents firing rate calculated in the same way as in A and B. In D, the bottom trace shows a histogram created by dividing the stimulus cycle into 16 bins, counting the spikes within each bin, and converting the counts to probabilities of spiking in each bin. A single cycle has been repeated in each panel to facilitate viewing of periodic events.