Figure 4. Gpm2 complements ΔglpXMsm growth and FBPase activity defects.
(a) Growth of WT Msm (black), ΔglpXMsm (red) and complemented strains ΔglpXMsm/C (glpX) (gray) or ΔglpXMsm/C (gpm2) (blue) in 7H9 media with 0.1% glycerol as the sole carbon source. Data are representative of two independent experiments. (b) FBPase activity of WT Msm (black), ΔglpXMsm (red) and complemented strain ΔglpXMsm/C (gpm2) (blue) cell lysates in the absence or presence of lithium chloride using 1.5 mM FBP as substrate. Dashed line indicates limit of detection. Data are means ± standard deviation of three biological replicates.