Figure 5. Intraperitoneal (IP) infection of the mouse with pathogenic and nonpathogenic RVFV.
IP infection of mice with nonpathogenic (MP12) RVFV leads to no significant weight loss over 4 days, while infection with pathogenic RVFV (ZH501) leads to rapid weight loss and lethal infection within 4 days. (A and D) Gross photographs of livers of mice infected with MP12 and ZH501 strains of RVFV. (A) MP12 infection shows no significant gross pathology at 4 days post-infection (DPI), while livers of mice infected with pathogenic RVFV (ZH501) are pale in color (D). (B and E) H&E stained paraffin sections from livers of mice infected with MP12 and ZH501 strains of RVFV. (B) Mice infected with nonpathogenic RVFV (MP12) show normal histology, while sections from livers of mice infected with pathogenic RVFV (ZH501) demonstrate widespread necrosis (E). (C and F) Differential interference contrast and in situ hybridization for RVFV RNA (black grains) in liver. (C) Mice infected with nonpathogenic RVFV MP12 show rare foci of parenchymal infection, while similar studies of mice infected with pathogenic RVFV ZH501 show multifocal necrosis of abundant viral-infected hepatocytes (F).